I knew that I had some old dental work that had kind of kind of fallen apart over the years. Like root canals, crowns, bridges, and they all kind of, come to find out it really wasn’t great work. I didn’t know that. It was many, many years ago. It was in the late ’90s, mid-’90s. Finances for many years didn’t, it prevented me from doing all that I knew I needed to do. And that later on in my life changed, the financial situation changed. But initially, when I came here, I knew I needed to restore my chewing teeth, but it also, like I was saying, I didn’t like the cosmetic look at the front.
The first thing we started with were implants. So we’ve just got all the chewing teeth back to normal through several implants, you know, bridges and all that. And then it wasn’t until the end that I said, “Okay, well, all the hard stuff is done. Let’s do the fun stuff. Let’s have something fun come out of this and have a pretty smile in the end.” It was not necessary. They weren’t that bad. And my husband was like, “I like your teeth the way that they are.” But now he really, you know, he likes them. When I got done, he said, I came in and I smiled. He said, “You had one tooth that was really short and stuck out. And when you smile and you laugh, I always look at that one tooth. Can you go back, can you put that back the way that it was, like, sticking out in shortness?” He’s not going to do that. And I’m not doing that. My teeth are so pretty now. I’m not going to have one short and sticking out.
He’s very good about giving the information. But he also was, he’s the type of personality that he knows his craft. He knows what he’s doing. So he sort of takes charge over that. And I saw that and I respected it because this is not my thing, you know, and if you do trust your healthcare provider, if you have a trust situation with them, you’re going to listen to what they say. I love it. I love it. I didn’t even actually realize that I was a little bit, had a little lack of confidence when I smiled. Because it’s, but it definitely seemed to be something that bothered me personally more than anybody saying, “Are you going to get your teeth fixed?” Because I am around a lot of honest people that will point things out. Like, you know, “You gained a lot of weight,” or something like that, you know? It was more my thing. And so I’m the one that enjoys it more than anybody. You know, when I smile. I mean, it’s like women, you know, well, men too. I mean, we care, they care about their haircuts, and their glasses, and what their shirt looks like. I mean, your teeth, you smile all the time.
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I had, like I said, I was missing a tooth. I had deferred my care for so long that I developed cavities, and cavities turned into like root canals that were needed, and I didn’t get them. So I had a terrible mess in my mouth. I had an infection. So I needed to have gum surgery. I needed to have root canals. I needed to have some crowns. I needed to have a lot of stuff done. Like I said, it wasn’t a one-and-done shop, where you can suck it up for just one day and come in and leave at the end of the day all better. It wasn’t going to be that. It had to be multiple treatments over weeks. I’m at a point in my career right now where someone asks me a question. I have so much information that I can give them many different answers depending on what I think they need. And I can give them those options, and it all makes sense, and I can deliver it in a way that makes sense. And he’s been doing what he’s doing longer than what I’ve been doing. So when I came in and I spoke to him about the different things that were going on, it was easy to understand because he could explain it. It’s not like you’re running into one of these new dental units that pop up everywhere. I mean, we’re in South Florida. There’s no shortage of dentists, chiropractors, you know what I mean? Like every shopping center, right? This guy tells it like it is. He doesn’t mince words. This is what I said. I said, on the first time I had a root canal, I said, well, is there any way we can… No, no, no. I’m like, do you think we can just maybe figure… No, no, you’re going to need it. But you’re going to be fine. But you’re going to need it. I’m like, okay. I got it. Let’s do it. And we did. You know how you know you feel great about it? Because I don’t think about it anymore. Because the office calls me and goes, hey Greg, don’t forget, you’ve got something coming up. And I go, oh, you’re right, I’ll see you on Tuesday. Wasn’t like that ever before. I would get one of those little appointment cards, and I’m gonna go to the dentist, and I’m counting it down. Counting the days. And I’m like, I can’t breathe, it’s terrible. But the fact that I don’t think about it anymore probably says more about how this is going than anything else.
I’m in a business where I meet a lot of people and my overall general look is kind of important. I had a tooth missing right here. And so I literally wouldn’t smile sometimes. I would just do this. I got good at that. I wouldn’t smile because it’s not just having a great and perfect smile. It’s not wanting to smile anymore because I’m afraid someone’s going to see this gaping hole in my mouth and think that I’m, you know, not up to par. If you’re not taking care of yourself, how are you taking care of your business? This, it extends. You know, people’s perception of you extends to other things. So, for me, what it means to be proud of my smile is that I can do business with people and not be afraid that I look like someone just punched me in the mouth and I lost a few.
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